I talked myself out of another ride after work, arriving at home to a fabulous meal made by my man, Ober and his Dad. I planted the last of my snapdragons and feasted on 3-Buck Chuck Chardonnay, Cajun catfish, black rice cooked in coconut milk and one of my favorite veggies-asparagus.
Hmmm. A couple weeks ago I raced a local crit and one of the PA Women's Cycling sponsors handed out boxes of cake and frosting mix. After such a hard week of training (ha!), I decided to make CUPCAKES!!!
You know, I have not made a cake from a box in over ten plus years. I was a little nervous. I figured cake is cake. I thought it would be sweet and sugary. It actually tasted good and healthy. Not the bad, dry and no flavor healthy but satisfying. Now I did substitute egg whites for eggs and I did not use a whole stick of butter for the frosting. I suck at making frosting, even out of a box. I am not a good whisker. Oh, I did not spread it on fully cooled cupcakes. That could be part of the problem that the frosting ran down the sides. Oh well, I am not so great at presentation, either. So, if you have the urge to have your cake and eat it too, check out Naturally Nora, Alot'A Dots. Yummy!!