Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Blog writing hopefully revived!

Ober's oldest nephew is traveling the world in four months, and he has inspired me to write again by sharing his college friend and fellow Fulbright's blog; wanderlauren - Adventures in Bogota.  Somehow I end up reading a former cycling teammate's blog and she, too, reminds me of the beauty of writing.  I found keeping a blog improved my writing and helped free my mind.  Hopefully I will begin writing again as I had some really fun adventures before I started this blog and since I took some hiatiuses from the blogging, too.

For now, I will share an image of our current, five year-old cat, Mr. Utley, Futley, Pear butt, snuggler, used to play marbles and hide and seek with us, Utley (so I can go to sleep because somehow, I was going to bed early as I am under the weather, again for the fourth time in four months and cannot stay up crafting a post).  Ciao.