Rise and shine with Rodney Yee Yoga, Michael Hedges, lounging, errands and a short hike.
I prepped meals and snacks for the family. Usually Roxanne or Nancy or Eli hosted us for the holidays (missing you Eli). We have hosted at our house in Lancaster but it was just Eli or Nancy and Art when they were in town. So it is our turn to host a party of nine, including us.
Prepping started at 7:45 pm after Friday night dinner with brads mom and Art. I love to cook but to do it in someone’s else kitchen is disorienting which can add time to preparing the dishes. I had to find the proper utensils, pans, knives and storage containers.
Thursday, I used the garbage disposal and it seemed to work well. Since the owners didn’t mention the garbage disposal in their house notes, I thought cool! At the same time, as I chopped cilantro, green onions and cracked 18 eggs - I thought maybe I should not use the disposal. You know where this is going. My couple hours of prepping meals turned into a whole night affair. Call me Josephine the plumber.
I was all beside myself as Ober was in bed from smokey prickly pear mescals. I am one that cleans as I cook and the sink was backed up. I tried to stay on task but I was fixed on fixing the clog as I wanted to run the dishwasher before bed.
I finally unclogged the disposal with basic plunging. I finished cleaning and chopping the vegetables and prepping the dishes. Dishwasher ran and nothing else exploded or leaked.
Sunset hike before Friday night dinner
Cleaned the green beans, prepped six pounds of mashed potatoes (used some potato water and milk) and prepped the vegetarian chili for Saturday's lunch. I read that you make the mashed potatoes with everything but the butter. When you make the meal, you add the butter to keep the mashed potatoes tasting fresh.
Able to prepare the Breakfast Enchiladas ahead of time, too.