Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cookies and Wine

It snowed last weekend and my work closed early on Friday so I stopped by Central Market to pick up the essentials for the potential of being snowed in; veggies, chicken, turkey sausage and a couple dozen homemade cookies from Wendy Jo's stand. Even though I would probably have all the time in the world to bake cookies, I am still feeling down and out with a cold for one TOO many weeks.

Cranberry, white chocolate macadamia nut; chocolate walnut; frosted sugar; chocolate dipped peanut butter; oatmeal chocolate chip raisin and regular chocolate chip. Ummmmmmm. And she makes homemade peanut butter eggs this time of year, too. Now that's my kind of religion - peanut butter eggs and chocolate covered marshmallow peeps!

Thank goodness the snow melted and I rode my bike outside today. Key word: OUTSIDE! I guess the other key words are "rode my bike" period. I dusted off those cookies yesterday morning. Had to get them out of the house. Hopefully it will not snow anymore this spring because I do not need anymore of those meltdowns of stocking up on cookies.

Tonight we dusted off a bottle of Castle Rock 2005 Pinot Noir (Monterey County) over dinner with a good friend. Take time to breath life in and let it sit. Life is precious.